Thursday, December 5, 2013

Religion vs God

"Religion vs God"

An Original Video by

Patricia Tate

I experienced this video (yes, it is an experience) this morning while watching it on YouTube.  It is brand new today and made by my new friend, Patricia Tate.  If you are here watching this, the timing is probably perfect for you.  It will make you think and you may experience a "love" change!
Please share it with others.

Your comments are welcome either on this blog or on the Facebook posting comment section.

Oh, you might want to see my art and photos for sale, about 700 of them divided into subject matter.  Framing included - Think Christmas Gifts!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Are You Looking for Me?

Are You Looking For Me?
Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat. My shoulder is against yours. You will not find me in the stupas, not in Indian shrine rooms, nor in synagogues, nor in cathedrals: not in masses, nor kirtans, not in legs winding around your own neck, nor in eating nothing but vegetables. When you really look for me, you will see me instantly you will find me in the tiniest house of time. Kabir says: Student, tell me, what is God? He is the breath inside the breath.

Kabir, 15th Century Indian Mystic

The I AmGreat Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God is to be found closer than most could ever imagine. The I AmGreat Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God is to be found within you. I Am Love, and so are you; start to allow that Sacred Love to flow freely and unconditionally to all you come in contact with.

My mantra:

I Am That I Am, All That I Am, and All That I Am Is Love!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Monday, November 25, 2013

Recreating Through True Awakening


Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala.


Recreating Through True Awakening
As I think about my life, everyone that has been in it and everything that has been a part of it, and every single aspect of my life was created by me. The abundance was my creation likewise so was the lack that was a part of my life; everything I believed I was worthy of I received, and everything that I felt was to grandiose for me remained elusive. When I wanted things and focused on those things without wavering in my belief that I was worthy of them I got them.  However, going back to worthiness the caveat was this, what I received was only the quality I felt worthy of. Why want for an old used up piece of anything when it takes the same amount of belief and energy to draw the best of that same thing to us? I have been guilty of that time and time again.

Everything we need is within us. It is taught that the Kingdom of God is within us. If that is the case, doesn’t it make sense that God is also within us? So why do we look to everyone, to everything, and everywhere for that which we need. Our Divine Source is within us in theKingdom, and that Divine Source has everything we need, with arms out stretched offering it all to us. If there were someone standing in front of us offering us a handful of one hundred dollar bills for the taking, would we turn and walk away?  Of course we would not do something as ridiculous as that. So why in heavens name do we do that with the One who is offering us everything there possibly is to have, both materially, and most important spiritually. We have been given everything from the very beginning of time, yet for some ridiculous reason, we turned our back on it all and then created the scenario where we needed a savior to rescue us from us. Many saviors have come, but not to save us in the way we think and want, they came to save us by waking us up to the Divine Reality that we are who and what we are in search of. Until we wake up to that reality we can be waiting for the return of Jesus or the bunny rabbit for that matter, and we will continue to wait for whoever or whatever, and they will never come. What is it going to take for humanity to get it?

Back to the Kingdom of Heaven/God within, such is not possible without a Sacred King and Sacred Queen. So why do so many people look at the Kingdom of Heaven and only see a Sacred King, only see God the Father? That is due to pure ignorance and laziness, just taking that which someone tells you is truth and reality, and not studying to show thyself approved, you and I entering into a Divine Understanding on our own. Those who believe that you are working your way to heaven; can you do that by way of what others tell you and what others do? Of course not, so why are you taking everything that another tells you as the gospel simply because they say it is. Why do you take a book that man has written and say it is the inerrant word of God, when his-story tells you that man is a deceiver and liar? There are many truths in the different holy books, but not one of them is without error; most of them are designed to control and deceive you. The bible does not only teach that the Kingdom of Heaven is within, it also teaches that we are gods. The spiritual masters came to teach us that by showing us what they were doing embracing that reality. They embraced the totality ofThe Divine, and guess what? That can only be done by fully honoring the Kingdom of Heaven/Paradise within, and to do that we must recognize both the Sacred Feminine and theSacred Masculine, we must recognize both Mama (Mother) and Baba (Father) Goddess-God. God the Father was dissected by insecure deceptive controlling men, and humanity due to laziness has been following that lie for eons. The laziness and ignorance of the human race is disgraceful to say the least.

Arise Ye Mighty Nation and fully embrace the Divine Reality that the Kingdom of Mama-Baba Goddess-God is within you, and within that Glorious Kingdom resides a storehouse with everything that we could eternally ever need; and it is there for the taking, because it can never be depleted. There is no thing to great for us to have, and no thing to great for us to share with each other and the whole of creation. Through the Mighty Oneness of The Divinewe are One, every person, every part of Earth Mother, and the entire Universe. Yes, we are all one; and there are no greater or lesser members of our oneness. Humans and no more important than the animal kingdom, nor are those who are fully in spirit form, we are all one and equal, just temporarily in different forms. This is a very big one for a lot of you, the so-called righteous and the so-called wicked sinful ones are equal in every way, no one, no not one is going to experience eternal damnation for what they did or didn’t do while in physical form here on this dense physical plane. Please think about this, if there were not those who did that which we see as pure evil, how could we learn the difference between that which we have labeled right and wrong, how could we come to appreciate Love if we did not know the opposing energies of Love? Could it possibly be, that those who have chosen to carry out the role of the wicked, will be blessed for taking on such a role? Everything comes from The Divine Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God, and means that everything will return to The Divine Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Hey, after writing that I realized that is not even so; it is just a figure of speech. We are and always have been in, a part of The DivineGreat Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God; to come from means to leave something and we have never left our Beloved Goddess-God.

So in essence, we must reawaken and recreate our reality, through fully comprehending the Divine Reality that we lack no-thing because we are one with Source, and within Sourcethere is to be found everything. We must surely start seeing ourselves as we truly are, totally one with Mama-Baba Goddess-God, and that makes us daughter gods and son gods, nothing more and nothing less. How else could we possibly create our own realities? Humans are the prodigal daughter gods and the prodigal son gods who are returning home to the Kingdom ofMama-Baba Goddess-God. Our Heavenly Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God is saying; Welcome Home My Children, I Love You!

The following should be the mantra of us all because Mama-Baba Goddess-God Is Love!

I Am That I Am, All That I Am, and All That I Am Is Love!

By my friend: Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala (Spiritwalker)

Your comments are welcome!  Would love to hear from you about your views on Spirituality!
John Potts
Arriving Home at the Source (Dharma Name)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Awakening 2013 - Compassion

The Awakening 2013 - Compassion

2013 The Great Awakening- letting down your guard and opening your heart to compassion,

 this is the true Awakening. 

One technique to achieve this is through the practice of the Bodhisattva,

 but its not the only way,

 there are many ways to do this in each culture.

 Ken Thornton shares his insights into the awakening and the bodhisattva practice. 

Music Jeffrey Gold and Mercedes Bahleda... photography Gabriel Lakey and Ken Thornton

   You are invited to watch the following short insightful video with humility and mindfulness:

Traditionally, a bodhisattva is anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings. According to Tibetan Buddhism, a Bodhisattva is one of the four sublime states a human can achieve in life (the others being an Arhat, Buddha, or Pratyekabuddha).

Friday, November 1, 2013


Pastel Chalk by John Potts


Quotes compiled by

John Potts

Arriving Home at the Source

Selfless Action

It is not an untrammeled market economy that is going to redeem our world.
It is not strategies of aggression, domination, and repression that are going to make us safe.
The secret to transforming the world, the key to security and safety, lies in cooperation and collaboration.
It lies in compassion for all beings in the wider web of life,
and in generosity
and love channeled into selfless action on behalf of people we will never know or see.

- Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, "An Act of Conscience"

Pastel Chalk by John Potts
Can You Teach Compassion?

Stanford’s investment in altruism research, funded by the Dalai Lama.

We can be healthier, live longer, and make the world a better place by exploring our potential for compassionate behavior, according to neurosurgeon James Doty, founder and director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, part of the Stanford Institute for Neuro-Innovation and Translational Neurosciences.
Where does your strong interest in compassion, altruism and empathy come from?
Having grown up in poverty with a father who was an alcoholic and a mother who was an invalid, I was exposed to suffering—lack of shelter, lack of food. Sometimes you would see people in positions of power or wealth who could intervene to help, and either would be silent observers or would turn away. And then you would see other people who would immediately reach out. Why is it that there are some who are immediately engaged, and others who turn away as soon as they see suffering because they don't want any proximity to it? That paradox stuck with me.
So much so that you founded the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University?
Yes. Later in life, when I got into a position in which I could more seriously think about this, I began conversations with my colleagues at Stanford which led to preliminary research efforts. I also wanted the Dalai Lama to come to Stanford to speak because I thought his message on the importance of compassion was compelling. He did come, and it led to individuals donating significant sums, and it began a research effort, which continues.
What is the goal of the center?
Its mission is to understand the neuroscience of compassion and altruism on a deep level, and the impact of these behaviors on health and longevity. One goal is how to maximize an individual's potential in these areas.

Why is that worth exploring?
We know that as a species we flourish and thrive when we care for others. Not only do you feel happier, but you live better, you feel better, you live longer. And it's a self-supporting activity in the sense that when you do those activities and they make you feel good, it makes you want to continue. It's a boon to humanity, but also to one's self.

Might some people still think you are simply saying "it's nice to be good"?
If we can show that you have the potential to increase your capacity for kindness and caring, and that this should result in dramatic improvements in your personal relationships, significant decrease in inflammation, improvement in cardiac function, increase in your telomere length (the DNA that protects the ends of your chromosomes), which increases longevity. ... If we can show you this proposition, then I think it is different to that.

Some people react with compassion when seeing another's suffering, and some don't. Is this divide a result of nature versus nurture? It's an open question, but most likely a mix. You can fall back on the happiness literature and say the nature/nurture split is 50–50. We know that genes have a significant impact on behavior. For example, with a female rodent who typically would be protective of her young, if we manipulate a particular gene by turning it off, then she abandons them. We also know that variations in gene receptors for oxytocin can result in individuals being less altruistic. I suspect that, like happiness, we will find a similar split between how one's DNA and environment affects their ability to be kind and caring.
Pastel Chalk by John Potts
Can we all become more compassionate?
There's a small subset of people on the side of extraordinarily kind, compassionate, and that's their baseline—Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama. And then there's a fairly small group who, no matter what we do to try to potentiate their capacity for compassion, don't have that capacity. Between those extremes are the rest of us, who can probably benefit from some kind of intervention or training when it comes to our ability to be altruistic or compassionate.

So how does CCARE try to intervene?
It has a program of compassion-cultivation training courses that includes both meditation and group-focused activities. There are also other institutions in the United States and internationally that have intervention or training programs of which a large component focuses on increasing compassion.

What effect are these measures having?
There's preliminary data that people who take our eight-week course show greater compassion. We also did some work with Stanford psychologist Jeanne Tsai in which individuals went through our training and then we studied how they responded to a scenario of writing to someone in prison for murder. Some think being compassionate means you give others a free pass regarding responsibility. But what was found was that no one gave this presumed murderer a free pass. They held them to be responsible but also encouraged them that they did have a future.

Could what is being learned about altruism help us tackle challenges such as war and injustice?
Research has shown that there is a tendency, based on evolutionary aspects, for us to define a tribe or an anchor, an in-group and out-group. Ultimately this doesn't work for the greater good. To overcome these natural mechanisms, certain techniques help: simply looking at that other group, whose members you would not normally feel kinship with, and saying, "Well, it turns out that they want their children to be educated like mine. They have the same interest in seeing X, Y or Z occur, just like me." It has a profound effect on how you perceive your responsibility to others. It gives you the realization of our shared humanity and interdependence. It changes how you interact.

The Dalai Lama donated to CCARE. Can a body funded by a religious leader do good science?
The Dalai Lama has had an interest in the neuroscience of meditation for more than 30 years, and which is more recently focused on compassion. But there is not one shred of evidence that there was ever any agenda related to the promotion of Buddhism. He has very specifically separated empirical science from religious dogma in his talks.

Where does the work of CCARE go from here?
I would like to create a virtual compassion gym, where individuals get a psychological profile which takes into account what resonates with them, be it spirituality or religiosity, or other types of philosophies. Additionally, we would incorporate what we have learned from online gaming and psychology on engagement. Based on that, we would create a plan so they can strengthen their compassion muscle and then show how they benefit, both mentally and physiologically. If we've done our work correctly, the results will be strong motivators for them to continue, hopefully making their lives and society better.
Pastel Chalk by John Potts
How hopeful are you that the world can become a more compassionate place?
I think that we're really seeing a sea change in how people perceive their place in the world. The millennium generation is the first to grow up with 24/7 access to global information. When you see the suffering of others, you realize that those individuals could just as easily have been you. It's much easier to say, "I can't let that happen—I feel their pain." That is how humanity is going to survive.
This article originally appeared in New Scientist.
Above quotes compiled by John Potts,
Arriving Home at the Source (Dharma Name)
Please click on the following for your edification:

Also: My Photograph/Art Website -

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4


Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

Part 4 (and final)

Beyond Thinking

Happiness can only be found inside,
Not Outside.
You never change thinking by fighting the existing reality.
To change something,
Build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
Witness an unconditional acceptance of all that is.
In order to open your heart,
Be open to change.
Consciousness is connected to all that is.
This is the Final video in this series.
I feel that it is also the clearest and most important one!
Don't miss it.  It is only a half-hour.
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4
Beyond Thinking
Before you leave, please see my art work and photo web site.  All 177 pastel chalks and photos are for sale with easy access to framing and printing options from Fine Art America:

Also, I have had a decade experience with the following web site to increase meditation quality and mental happiness:

Art & Photos Now On-line!


Art & Photos Now On-line

at Fine Art America!

All art & photos by John Potts

  My photography and pastel chalk art is now on-line and for sale with various forms of framing available at Fine Art America. I have uploaded 177 photos and divided them into 12 galleries by subject matter.
  You can go to my web site and view them one by one or click on galleries and view them by subject. Double click on a picture to enlarge the view (strongly recommended) as the photos are initially very small. 
  There will be more photos uploaded later but it has been a 5 day process to choose, edit & write descriptions for each photo and I am tired.
   The above link is:
A few sample photos are shown below:

(Watch for next video posting notice soon on this web site!)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds, Part 3 - The Serpent & the Lotus


Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds
Part 3 - The Serpent and the Lotus
When the polarities of the dual world are in balance,
A third thing is born.
We find the mysterious golden key that unlocks the evolutionary forces of nature.
Because humans are almost exclusively identified exclusively with their thoughts and the outer world,
It is a rare individual which achieves the balance of the inner and outer forces which allow enlightenment;
To awaken naturally for those identified only with the illusion of enlightenment,
Enlightenment will always remain a metaphor, an idea, rather than a direct experience of one’s energy and consciousness.
The word Kundalini as used in the video below is –
 Awakened Evolutionary Consciousness
Another video explanation and paragraphs on Kundalini –
Please click on the below image to become informed about a very unique and entertaining meditation and mental training program I
 have used for years!

Thursday, September 26, 2013



Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

Part 2 – The Spiral

(Continued from Part 1)

Today, humans try to understand the spiral with rational minds.
But it was never thinking that connected us to the spiral of life.
We have always been connected.

Thinking is what keeps us in the illusion of separateness.

The more we align with thought, the more removed we become from the SOURCE.

When consciousness turns within,

It becomes like the Sun’s rays,

And the Lotus within begins to grow,

We begin to see the Spiral as the link between our Inner and outer worlds.

Please click on the following to take you to this intriguing half-hour video:

I am watching this series along with you with expectancy of new Spiritual growth and understanding.

Please let me know your thoughts either on Facebook or the below comment section.
By the way, click on the WildDivine link below and be introduced to a guaranteed inspiring on-line world of meditation, Zen, fun game style teachings and challenges.  I have been using WildDivine myself for many years and it is my main meditation aid!


Monday, September 23, 2013


Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

Part 1 – Akasha


To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the Palm of Your Hand

And Eternity in an Hour… William Blake


   The true crisis in our world is not social, political or economic.  Our crisis is a crisis of consciousness – an inability to directly experience our true nature, an inability to recognize this true nature in everyone or in all things.  To awaken one’s true self, one must awaken all beings.  There are innumerable sentient beings in the universe.


   I will be watching this series along with you and become more willing to grow in consciousness and enlightenment… let’s go along together… you and I… I am excited!  Click on the below link:

Watch for Part 2 on this site soon.



Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Einstein on Buddhism


Einstein on Buddhism

   I was cleaning out my wallet in preparation for an upcoming trip and discovered this quote from Einstein hidden away inside.  I would like to share it with you as food for thought:

"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future:  It transcends a personal God, avoids Dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spiritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity.
"If there  is a religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism.

"A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space.  He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.  This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us. 
 "Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty.  Nobody is able to achieve this completely but striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."

Quoted by:
John Potts
(Arriving Home at the Source -Dharma name)
Subtle Activist
Check out a unique, spiritual, fun, educational web world which teaches us how to meditate properly and groom healthy thinking and breathing.  I have been a part of it for over 10 years and use it daily for my personal meditation: